This DIY recipe uses one of our favorite ingredients for hair: raw honey.
It is extremely gentle so you will need to apply this mask throughout the year to gradually see the lightening effects. But you will see them, and it beats using bleach which severely damages the hair.
½ cup water
¼ cup raw honey (brand of your choice)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp cinnamon
· In a bowl mix all ingredients together. Stir and let sit for an hour so that the hydrogen peroxide naturally caused by the olive oil and cinnamon combination begins to take effect.
· Section the hair and generously apply the mask from tips to ends. You will want to wear an old t-shirt and have a towel ready, as the mixture can be quite runny depending on the honey you use.
· Once thoroughly applied pull the hair up in a bun and hair cap and let sit for 2 hours or longer. The mixture will be quite hydrating and nourishing for the hair overall.
· Wash out with lukewarm water.
- Tags: hair