Minerals 101

Minerals are the building blocks to a healthy body and healthy hair:
If you ever find yourself saying, “I feel like I’m coming apart at the seams!” chances are you aren’t giving your body enough minerals.
Every living cell on this planet depends upon minerals for proper function and structure. No matter how many nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates or good fats you give your body, without proper minerals they cannot be absorbed. Minerals are like the oil in your car, the grease on your wheels, the hip to your jive. They are the building blocks for all cellular and system processes in our bodies. Simply put, minerals are a middleman you can’t live without.
Foods high in minerals activate your innate healing and beautifying processes by increasing the electricity that your body produces! When your body has all its minerals, tissues regenerate more quickly.
Increasing your mineral intake will:
· Increase energy
· Provide restful sleep
· Aid digestion
· Increase hydration
· Reverse signs of aging
· Renew interest in sex
· Balance moods
· Aid elimination
· Aid weight-loss
· Increase circulation
· Strengthen hair, skin & nails
· Improve attitude
· Aid absorption of nutrients
· Accelerate cell rejuvenation
Eating foods rich in minerals is not only good for your body, it’s also good for your bank account. Have you ever noticed why bar pretzels and most processed snacks never fill you up and you always have to order more? Processed and non-organic foods are devoid of minerals. So your body tells you that you’re still hungry in the hope that you will eat more to give it what it needs. Yet, when you give your body living foods high in minerals, you begin to consume less, because your appetite turns off when full.
Eat Foods Rich in Minerals
Foods grown in soils that have been over-planted and saturated with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides make them scarce in minerals and trace minerals. It is not an understatement to say that all conventionally grown foods today are mineral deficient. Even if you eat a diet that 10 years ago was considered “balanced,” today you still may develop a deficiency because of the depletion of minerals in the soil due to over-farming.
Yet, there is a way to get all the minerals your body needs to function at its optimum and thrive! The highest sources of mineralized foods come from organically grown wild edibles or plant vegetables that come directly from the sea.
Sea vegetables, kelp and dulse in particular, have an extraordinarily high mineral content. Celtic sea salt and Himalayan salt are also wonderful and healthy components of a balanced diet. Other great mineral sources are:
I ♥ ALFALFA! Alfalfa is one of the most mineral-rich foods known to man. It's root can grow as much as 130 feet! It also contains chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and virtually all vitamins and minerals in a balanced and bio-available form.
I ♥ DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES! Dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of both vitamins and minerals. They are also great sources of fiber. Generally the darker the leaves, the more phytonutrients the vegetables have which protect your body against many forms of cancer.
I ♥ CACAO BEANS! Cacao beans contain no sugar and between 12% and 50% fat, depending on variety and growth conditions. Cacao is remarkably rich in sulfur and magnesium. It is also one of the highest sources of magnesium of any food, which is commonly thought of as the medical reason why women crave chocolate before or during their periods. Magnesium balances the brain’s chemistry, builds strong bones, and is associated with more happiness.
I ♥ SEA VEGETABLES! Sea vegetables provide all minerals and trace elements required for your body’s physiological functions in greater quantities than that of land plants. For example, magnesium is twice as abundant in kelp and alaria than in collard greens, walnuts, bananas, potatoes, oatmeal, and even sockeye salmon! And one half cup of hijiki has as much calcium as one cup of milk and more iron than 2 eggs! More importantly, sea vegetables present these essential nutrients to your body in a chelated, colloidal, optimally balanced form, which makes them extremely bio-available. That means your body understands how to absorb and utilize them immediately. And that is why I so, so love sea vegetables and recommend you include them into your diet a minimum of 3 times per week!
Explore these Sea Vegetables the next time you’re at the store:
Alaria // Arame // Hijiki // Dulse // Kelp // Kombu // Wakame
- Tags: nutrition